Sutranovum Institute

The focus of wisdom and love is undoing illusions. As we grow we plan to create an institute that focuses on extolling the ideas we stand for. This page will get developed as our vision develops, but the essential logic is covered below.

Raising a Happy Inner Child

Abuse of authority goes on across all fields of endeavour; when you travel the planet you see so much corruption and deceit: in government, in organized religion, in commercial activity, in education. It is a story as old as the hills. Birthing a child into such a world, in the context of such horrors, is an act of courage. Birthing our innocent inner child is also an act of courage. It demands ending the attack and defence thoughts in the mind that are the engines of conflict. Everyone in search of the truth of their real nature must confront this. So much conditioning must be undone to navigate such an ocean of change.  And everyone, whether consciously or unconsciously, does seek this transformation. 

Each of us has this innocent happy child inside. Psychological maturity, not in the sense of one school of psychotherapy or another, nor the sense of one religious perspective or another, beyond all the veils of cleverness and delusion, universally, and actually, means awakening to this inner child; a child that cannot be hurt and cannot take offence,  who has no interest in being offensive, who is supremely wise, rooted in the happiness of being and living in the present. Such a child of innocence embraces intelligence as it is needed to heal trauma, to come to innocence. And this intelligence is much more than intellect for it involves the fusion of love, reason, innocence and vision. 

Awakening to the simplicity of our hidden innocence and weeding out the mind that is a victim and which victimises - uprooting the dominating narrative of such a mind - means a radical transformation of consciousness which is a supremely complex task. We must see through so much propaganda, indoctrination and educated ignorance, through our unquestioned prejudices and tendencies to find this all-encompassing quality of love at the very heart of our nature. We must throw out our personal history and be present, free of petty guile and a litany of grievances, while,  at the same time, handling the facts of our situation. 

Life for most human beings is quite challenging. It comes with pain and suffering and questions arise in response to this suffering. The right questions asked in the right way can open doors to deep and enriching meaning. This is the focus of sutranovum: to support such approaches. This is its primary goal. Yet we must be very careful about this: for the primary cause of disorder in our lives is the seeking of reality promised by others. If people had really understood the Buddha there would be no Buddhism. Yet the human being gets trapped in thought and tradition. Manmade laws and beliefs are needed to police the neurotic mind of man. To cut out the neurotic fearful mind we must embrace wisdom, we must end insecurity in the mind. 

That is a very challenging problem because insecurity is such a clever master of disguise. Cut off one head of falsity and another more subtle one then sprouts up in its place. The world doesn’t care about you. It cares about its vested interests. And the mind of the human being is so pressured and distracted. However, all of this must be seen to crack the puzzle of love. These are not judgements; they are facts. 

There is a way out of the insanity and the focus of sutranovum is to be a media company, an educational platform and a designer brand that supports such a focus. 

Ultimately, we are a catalyst for holding a light up to the darkness of fear in the mind, for that is the way of love - to kindle the flame of who you really are, so that you might be a light to yourself in a world that has lost contact with meaning. 

“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”
