The Power of Laughter

Bodisutra is the humorous wing of what we do. 

Often we learn best through laughter. 

Bodisutra is a webcomic and animation devoted to using humor and wisdom to help “tame the monkey mind.” Bodisutra is built around a fool of a monkey in whom we can see ourselves. Bodi is an alien monkey who jumps the line of Darwin's apes to demand what is going on here on Earth. He wants answers. We all do. He becomes our ambassador of curiosity and outrage and an emissary of all that is good and twisted in us. He reflects our worst impulses and our best. There is also his teacher, Norman, and his wife and various characters around them who help tell the story of what matters in life.  The characters have been written to evoke an inner resonance that speaks to us. 

In their antics, we hear:

That's me!

That's you!

At the heart of Bodisutra is this vision repeated over and over again in a million scenarios:

When we can change:

 “monkey see as monkey do” 


“monkey do as monkey see,” 

...we then can question how we see, and so change what is looking and, by implication, what thought system informs what is looking. By opening these doors of perception, we can shift our focus to understanding ourselves. 

The mind makes all our pain. It can also end all of it when we change how we see.  

In this kernel of wisdom lies the possibility of a sane world.

Gurus, Therapists, Kings, Jesters and Crazy Wisdom

The power of a character animation like Bodisutra lies in the fact that gurus and therapists are fallible. There are plenty of people in those categories/professions who are primitive and superficial. Yet we still seek wisdom. It is the most natural thing in the world. But how to find wisdom when there is so much corruption and shallowness in the world?  A healthy cynicism must be married with an open mind. Bodisutra, as a story, is a marriage of such qualities.

We built Sutranovum and Bodisutra around the idea of the medieval king and his court jester; the elegant and the humorous.  Humour gives us spiritual distance and supports healing when employed wisely. Bodi is the jester in our court. And the rash king also. He laughs at himself, at his wife and at mankind. Norman is the wise mentor who sees the light in all. It is called Bodisutra as opposed to Normsutra because the student asks the questions and makes the errors and we learn alongside Bodi in this story. Norman rises to the challenge of the student. When the student is ready the teacher arrives. Norman is like any loving teacher of wisdom, he wants to be free of the role, He wants the student to become fully aquainted with his inner teacher. Unfortunately, Bodi is a total muppet often, so that is a slow process.

The jester was the only character who could laugh at the king. 

Sometimes the king is right and sometimes the king is wrong. 

But who dares tell him this to his face? 

Who can hold up the mirror to your absurdity?

That's the job of the jester. 

That's the power of the trickster to show the madness of ego. 

In this way, of laughing at our folly...healing happens, wisdom concentrates, and the real king emerges.

"The mighty hero of extraordinary powers able to lift Mount Govardhan on a finger, and to fill himself with the terrible glory of the universe, is each of us; not the physical self visible in the mirror, but the King within."

Joseph Campbell

Oscar Wilde said: "Life is far too important to take seriously." And we do take it very seriously. That is often wise. But when we lose sight of joy, happiness and gentleness we need the jester to handle our madness: cue Bodi and the gang at Bodisutra. The tradition of holding up the mirror to madness is known as 'crazy wisdom. '

c. 1540 woodcut of Jester, by Heinrich Vogtherr the Younger

King Arthur by Charles Ernest Butler 

A now jailed Indian Guru; anyone who abuses authority loses his integrity and invites disorder - a common issue for humanity.