In Depth

Welcome to Sutranovum, where we believe in seeing the world through fresh eyes. We are devoted to spreading happiness and healing through our story, our clothing and merchandise. Sutra means “thread (of meaning) ”Novum" means “new” - 

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates. 

Love is ever new. It is that potent thread which weaves through our lives giving fresh meaning to our existence. The vision of the brand is built around the symbol of a lotus. Our daily life stories are the soils where we are placed: the mucky contrasts and the strife, the pleasure and the pain. In such soils, we come to bloom and flourish when our fear and illusions are dropped. The lotus is that treasured flower in us which rises up out of the world of experience; the jewel of our consciousness. Sutranovum’s primary focus and message is that happiness and joy is the heart of our being. Mastering this wisdom is the peace-driven passion of a mind devoted to uncovering the truth within.

Rethink Everything

How we look at the world reveals the thought system that rules our minds. The way that the fearful ego sees the world creates suffering, misery, evil and death. Sutranovum is inspired by a dedication to the truth. Truth lies beyond the illusions born of our misperceptions. The mind can resist the truth. The purpose of life is to train the mind in a different way of seeing. An untrained mind can accomplish nothing. For lasting happiness and peace to flower in a human being, how we think and look at the world and ourselves must go through a profound transformation. This is why we emphasize 'rethinking everything.'  The focus of sutranovum is to be a mirror to support removing the blocks to the truth in the mind. If it helps some people to do this, it has achieved its inspired goal. 

We present ideas that you may find challenging. You need not accept them, you need not even welcome them and some of the ideas presented you may find hard to believe, others might be experienced as quite startling. and yet others you may actively resist. This does not matter. Letting go of judgments of the ideas explored is necessary. It is the application of the ideas that matters; for through their application you will find their meaning and that will show you that they are true. Transfer of training in true perception does not proceed as does transfer of the training of the world. If true perception has been achieved in connection with any person, situation or event, total transfer to everyone and everything is certain. On the other hand, one exception held apart from true perception makes its accomplishments anywhere impossible. 

Sutranovum is a multinational social media and licensing company founded in 2023 by British author, philosopher and public speaker Nathan Daniel Curry. The goal of sutranovum is to support and celebrate inner growth through products and services. The maturation of spiritual wisdom through self-inquiry and love of the Self is what we have dedicated our lives to. We embrace the flourishing of gratitude, healing, abundance, compassion, the enlightened practice of forgiveness and the development of trust, in our lives and our customers' lives. We sell stylish fashion products and helpful books and produce media and content to support transcending psychological and emotional challenges. Our videos, talks, retreats and podcasts are designed to support your journey of healing.


Sutranovum uses the following brand slogans: 

Seeing with fresh eyes 

Change the Mind and you change the world 

Rethink everything

Know thyself

Enlightened Life

Transforming human possibilities through the power of story
Be the Change 


Bodisutra, Sutranovum's fun animation, explores human challenges with humor and depth. Its slogans are:

Tame the monkey mind

Monkey do as monkey see

New Thread of Meaning

Sutranovum,” is a word that came to founder Nathan Daniel Curry while he was snorkelling off the coast of Baja California in Mexico. It aligns with the wisdom of Joseph Campbell regarding the deeper meaning of the word “Apocalypse”:

“Apocalypse does not point to a fiery Armageddon but to the fact that our ignorance and our complacency are coming to an end…The exclusivism of there being only one way in which we can be saved, the idea that there is a single religious group that is in sole possession of the truth—that is the world as we know it that must pass away. What is the kingdom? It lies in our realization of the ubiquity of the divine presence in our neighbors, in our enemies, in all of us.”

The word “Apocalypse” relates to an uncovering of the illusions in the mind of each individual. This happens as we awaken to our deeper nature beyond the fears of the egoic thought system which traps us in deception and pain. Nathan has spent considerable time in his life in Asia. He is also a child of the West. The focus of sutranovum is to marry the depths of wisdom in the far-flung cultures of the world and consolidate it in the content, merchandise and vision that underlies the enterprise. 

Short Biography of Founder

Nathan Curry was born in England and was drawn to an interest in natural history at an early age. He was on course to study Evolutionary Biology at Oxford University with Richard Dawkins but a deep shift in his way of seeing led him to a close relationship with Mr Tara Singh in Los Angeles. Mr Singh was a student of Jiddu Krishnamurti, TKV Desikachar the yoga teacher, Ramana Maharshi, Dr Helen Shucman, the Scribe of the Course in Miracles, and Pearl Buck, the Nobel Laureate in Literature. Tara Singh was also an advisor to Prime Ministers Nehru, Indira Gandhi and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Nathan found a level of meaning in his relationship with Tara Singh which shaped his life like no other. 

After a period in Paris, Nathan returned to Los Angeles and set up home close to Taraji near his residence on the Wiltshire District in Los Angeles on the Miracle Mile. Krishnamurti told Tara Singh to go and earn some money when Mr Singh came to him for advice about the liberation of the mind. Nathan asked the same question of Mr Singh years later and got the same reply. 

After Tara Singh stopped teaching, Nathan was guided in visions to study the yoga sutras for a decade with Mr TKV Desikachar in India. He also visited Thiruvanamalai frequently to study the life and teaching of Ramana Maharshi, Later he was inspired to create sutranovum and bodisutra. He has traveled extensively. Sutranovum and Bodisutra are both dedicated to the journey inward.